New Broncolor Scoro WiFi

Scoro WiFiBroncolor has announced their new Scoro WiFi/RFS2, bringing a new level of intuitive control to the legendary Scoro product line.

Integrated into the new Scoro WiFi/RFS2 products is broncolor’s WiFi technology. Using no additional equipment, you can now control your flash pack from any WiFi capable iOS, Android, Mac, or PC device. A phone, tablet, or computer now brings the Scoro’s immense capability to your fingertips.

The bronControl desktop is also cross-compatible with the Siros S and Siros L products.

  • Externally, Scoro WiFi/RFS2 brings visual uniformity with a sleek black outer design on both Scoro S WiFi/RFS2 and Scoro E WiFi/RFS2.
  • Dimensions of the pack remain unchanged, so existing cases will fit the newest Scoros.
  • Built-in RFS2 receiver, the new Scoros are compatible with broncolor's RFS2.1 and 2.2 transceivers for radio-based control of power and flash sync.
  • Scoro S WiFi/RFS2 continues to excel in color consistency, versatility, power output, and flash duration. With three fully asymmetrical lamphead outlets, Scoro 1600S WiFi/RFS2 and Scoro 3200S WiFi/RFS2 brings a powerhouse creative lighting tool for the professional image maker.
  • Scoro E WiFi/RFS2 offers impressive performance in a cost-effective package. Two fully asymmetrical lamp outlets, bringing broncolor's world-renowned quality to studios that want a simple but powerful lighting tool. Scoro E WiFi/RFS2 is available in 1600w/s and 3200w/s variants.

For a limited time, loyal owners of broncolor older Scoro 3200S/E and 1600S/E flash packs are eligible for upgrades to the new WiFi module or trade-in promotions.